GENERAL CONDITIONS is a blog maintained by Helve Parna, the content of which is protected by copyright. The rights to the blog and the works published on it (in particular various news, articles, photos, etc.) are owned by or licensed to Helve Parna.

The author expresses his views in the articles. Helve Parna is not responsible for the accuracy of the factual statements or (value) assessments published in the blog. As a result of the foregoing, Helve Parna shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of any act or omission to act based on the content of the works published on the blog.

  1. Validity of the General Terms and Conditions and procedure for amending them

    1.1 The General Terms and Conditions apply to all users.
    1.2 Helve Parna has the right to unilaterally amend the General Terms and Conditions subject to the following conditions:
    1.2.1 the change is due to a substantive or technical development in the field;
    1.2.2 the change is due to a change in law or other legal situation.
    1.3 Helve Parna shall notify the Client of any amendment to the General Terms and Conditions at least one (1) month before the amendments enter into force.
    1.4 Helve Parna will inform the subscriber of any changes to the General Terms and Conditions on the website, by e-mail or otherwise.
    1.5 If the Customer does not agree with the amendment of the General Terms and Conditions, he/she has the right to terminate the contractual relationship with Helve Parna within one (1) month from the publication of the amendment. If the customer does not express his/her wish to terminate the contract within one (1) month, he/she shall be deemed to have accepted the amended general terms and conditions.

  2. Subscriber rights

    2.1 The Subscriber has the right to read the blog for the period subscribed to by him.
    2.2 The Subscriber has the right to subscribe to the blog at the price set by the publisher and in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions.
    2.3 The Contracting Entity has the right to lodge a complaint concerning the blog at within two months from the date of becoming aware of the reason for the complaint.
    2.4 Complaints relating to orders will be processed retroactively for a period of up to two (2) months from the date of contacting Customer Services.
    2.5 If Helve Parna fails to resolve the customer’s complaints within a reasonable period of time, the customer may contact the Consumer Protection and Technical Supervision Authority.
    2.6 The Contracting Entity has the right to terminate the order prematurely. In the event of early termination of the Subscription, the Subscriber shall pay until the end date of the Subscription Period in force.
    2.7 In order to terminate an order prematurely, an application must be submitted in a form that can be reproduced in writing, stating the details of the ordering party and the order, the time of termination.
    2.8 In case of orders placed by credit card and mobile standing order, the prepaid money will not be refunded.

  3. Obligations of the Contracting Entity

    3.1 When placing an order, the customer is obliged to provide the information necessary for the execution of the order.
    3.2 In the event that the information provided by the Subscriber is incorrect and/or incomplete, the Blog shall not be liable for any failure to properly fulfil the order.
    3.3 The Subscriber shall pay for the order on time and in full in accordance with the payment method chosen by the Subscriber. Otherwise, Helve Parna cannot guarantee the correct execution of the order.
    3.4 By placing an Order, the Customer confirms that it accepts the General Terms and Conditions and undertakes to comply with them. The validity of the confirmation does not depend on the channel through which the order was placed.
    3.5 By placing an order for a Digital Product, the Subscriber also consents to the supply of the Digital Content and acknowledges the fact that he/she thereby forfeits his/her 14-day right of withdrawal.
    3.6 The User is entitled to use only his/her personal username (e-mail) when consuming Digital Products. Granting access rights to another person is prohibited. If Helve Parna detects a breach of the requirements for the consumption of a digital product, she has the right to suspend or terminate the subscription.

  4. Permanent payment by bank card or mobile

    4.1 In the case of a standing order, the order will be automatically extended until the subscriber has changed this condition, i.e. cancelled the automatic extension of the order.
    4.2 A new order will be created on the end date of the previous order.
    4.3 When paying by bank card, the monthly payment is debited from the bank account of the subscriber.
    4.4 If you pay by mobile payment, a monthly fee will be added to the next month’s mobile bill.
    4.5 In the case of a standing order, the terms and conditions of the new order will be taken over from the previous order (recipient, payer, product, price, period, payment method), except in the case of a promotional offer, the price and validity of which are specified separately.
    4.6 In the event of cancellation of the automatic extension of a standing order, the order will continue until the end of the advance payment.
    4.7 In the event of cancellation of a standing order, any money paid in advance will not be refunded.
    4.8 The automatic extension of a standing order may be cancelled by the subscriber at any time:
    4.8.1 logging into the subscription environment.

    4.8.2 by emailing
    4.9 Discounted promotional offers can be made only once in the framework of one promotion.

  5. Copyright

    5.1 The materials published on the Blog (articles, photos, blog and forum entries, videos, comments, designs, etc.) are subject to copyright protection within the meaning of the Copyright Act, and copying and distribution of such materials without the written consent of Helve Parna is generally prohibited.
    5.2 Without the consent of Helve Parna in writing or in a form that can be reproduced in writing, it is not permitted to copy, publish or otherwise make the materials available to third parties on any physical or electronic media, including social media, in their entirety or in any part exceeding the volume permitted by law. This rule also applies to texts, photos and videos on Helve Parna’s social media accounts and YouTube. This includes the prohibition of automatic or non-automatic downloading or otherwise storing or processing of the material, as well as the retransmission of the material to any third party, including transmission for downloading.

  6. Referencing materials

    6.1 If you wish to use any of the works published on the Blog, please contact Also, if you believe that your rights have been infringed in relation to works published on the blog.