Cosmic void

Informed choice

In the light of silence, there are always sounds,

Radiogenic DNA

In the work of Holiness,

in cosmic favour,

Hello Incredibles

Today, through the Stargate 0909, I start my blogging, which will turn out to be exactly the same kind of journey as the sharing of the Golden Rays of the Great Midheaven and my reception which I will share here.

Today’s hike took me among the wonderful Estonian canyons in South Estonia.

A huge amount of thematic energy that I sense and receive.

Being in direct contact with the Diamond Codes, I am sharing here a wonderful message in poetry.

Topic code.

My diamond light

a cosmic beginning.

Codes I activate

through the sanctities I select.

Thus creating galactic grandeur,

holographic root.

Understanding-I am a shimmering Avatar on a diamond,

I move in the sound of codes, echoing in the hall of the Universe.

The hall, where again I in the heights

In the lightness of the universe.

Every message I share is a code word

Also in the sound that accompanies this word

Also in the colour, which creates a symphony of sounds and words.

In today’s energy I sense the rainbow sparkle that is the diamond.

A thematic energy, which in turn creates purity and the monadic light of the Soul.


Votes for this word,

through the sensations of vocalisation how your being expands as you awaken. 🌞✨


Tea nectar.