The golden guards on the cosmic altar.

The sparkle of green magic.

There are great energetic launches happening right now where the whole body-Avatar body-is physically awakening.

it is also felt in the lightness as well as in the restart where the whole being takes a turn.

It feels like acceleration and peace at the same time 🌞

this kind of perception, of allowing, of being, creates a new being.

today’s Gold Dot sônum here, in front of you🌞

In the ancient knowledge of the Golden Spike,

setting the nature of,

playfully unfolding

density in retreat.

I breathe the golden codes

activist Hinge soove.

I understand my own knowledge,

galactic settings

where every breath has power

breathing through the shadows.

The mystery of the golden rays

mystical gateway

through which

I hear the sound of singing

which create

bringing me the golden light,

so that again I may perceive and know

all creation has become good💛

Cosmic abundance

Kosmiline kûllus,Universumi seadlikkus,
Galaktiline teadlikkus.
Voolavuses jumalik ajatus
puhtuses tabatus.
Valguskoodides tabatud
nii kosmilises külluses ma jagatud.


Minu blogis kohtume alates 09.09.2023

Gold therapy

The cry of the universe

The cry of the universe
